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Our Mission:

To provide a structured, nurturing environment for suspended youth while being a source of support to parents & families

Our Vision:

To empower every student to realize their academic potential.

Project R.O.C.K South Inc. provides a structured, supervised, nurturing environment for youths K-12 suspended from St. Lucie School District, taking them off the streets and into a positive learning environment. Teaching life skill techniques, self-worth, and positive behaviors, through group discussions, and individual counseling.

Project R.O.C.K South Inc. provides opportunities for behavioral improvement that will reduce risk factors of school drop-out. Empowered students will become successful, productive scholars and citizens.

Project R.O.C.K. came into existence over 20 years ago, after an unfortunate incident occurred; a student, that was suspended for ten days, was walking to the corner store and was fatally shot. This caused a community uproar. Leaders in the community united in one cause to form a safe haven for students to retreat in a safe nurturing environment during their suspension from school.  

Meet the Staff


Mr. LaMar F.

Office Staff


Dr. Freckleton Ph.D.

Executive Director


Mrs. Bolt

Assistant Program Director


Executive Director's Message:


"Children are seeds (promised seeds), requiring a healthy environment, to thrive and develop, and to grow and be creative. Children are on a journey, trying to find their purpose in life. As this adventure unfolds, they make BIG MISTAKES!!!

As parents and caregivers, let us look beyond the challenge of the moment, and envision our children in their future. A future filled with unprecedented victories and successes. A future where HOPE lives because WE ALL took the time to care."

-Dr. Lorna Freckleton, Executive Director of Project R.O.C.K. South Inc.

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